Thursday, June 25, 2009

E-Business Suite R12.1.1 - Which database version?

Fooling around with E-Business Suite R12.1.1 installation this week led to some confusion about which database version comes with the distribution.
The first surprise came when we started Rapid Install and unfolded the components to be installed, as outlined in the welcome screen:

Huh? I thought was to be installed with R12? isn't even certified.

After we entered all the information, the installation was kicked off, and we saw the following information on our screen:

Still, not quite the version that we were expecting, but coming close, at least.
After the installation was finished, we were - again - mislead, as you can see in this and the following screenshot:

Luckily, checking the database version from within E-Business Suite (Help - About), finally told us the truth, and nothing but the truth:

So it is true! Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 comes with database!

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